Urban Planning, Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Working group questions attached to the Presidential Decree - Working Group of Urbanization, Architecture and Cultural Heritage:

1- How has the impact of the development of urban and rural settlements and failure to comply with resilient urban standards to floods affected damage to the residential areas?

2- How do the rules of planning, design and development of the settlements lead to vulnerability to floods and damages?

3- What are the major violations in the development of settlements that have exacerbated the damage and what mechanisms have been affected?

4- How has flooding impacted the performance of municipalities and floodplains in urban and rural areas?

5- What are the lessons learned from flooding for the planning, design, and development of Iran's urban and rural settlements?

6- What improvements in the resilience of urban and rural settlements to flooding require laws, administrative procedures, prevention of violations, and management measures?

7- How and to what extent has the flood affected the cultural heritage?

8- How much has the cultural heritage resilience been exposed to floods?

9- What are the lessons learnt from the Iranian-Islamic historical and cultural structures and urban development to increase flood resilience?

10- What are the necessary reforms to increase the resilience of settlements and other flood facilities based on lessons learned from the assessment of cultural heritage and historical contexts exposed to flooding?