Health, Relief and Rescue

Working group questions attached to the Presidential Decree - Working Group of HealthRelief and Rescue:

1- What was the quantity of rescue and relief operations carried out between the start and end of the flood?

2- What are the disadvantages of rescue and relief operations and what factors have affected them?

3- What are the quantity and quality of rescue and relief guides, protocols and guidelines in the country? How operational were they during the flood?

4- How has the command of rescue and relief operations and the quality of interagency coordination in this operation affected the casualties?

5- How and at what level is the country prepared for rescue and relief operations?

6- What role has public assistance played in rescue and relief operations?

7- What impact has foreign aid had on rescue and relief operations?

8- How has the quality and performance of the country's rescue organizations (public, non-governmental, civil) been during the flood?

9- What are the lessons learned of the flood for future rescue and relief operations?

10- What are the effective reforms to improve the country's flood relief and resiliency?