Hydrology and Water Resources Management

Working group questions attached to the Presidential Decree - Working Group of Hydrology and Water Resources Management:

1- What are the differences and similarities of recent floods with the past major floods in Iran? And what impact has it had on the whole flood event and its management?

2- How was the equipment used to measure hydrological variables and other data systems before and during the flood?

3- How and to what extent has watershed management been or has not been affected floods and damages?

4- How has the quality and quantity of non-structural water management practices affected the floods and their damages?

5- How have macro level and long-term approaches and prioritization of policies, programs and actions in the water management system of the country affected flood incidence and damage?

6- How the interactions between levels (national and local level) and various organizations involved in water resources management and water structures (Ministry of Energy and associated companies, Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, Provincial Governments) has affected flood management?

7- What are the positive effects of flooding on Iran's water resources?

8- What are the lessons learnt from flood management for water resources and water structures in the country?

9- What improvements does the country's water resources and structures management need to improve flood resiliency?