River Engineering and Hydraulic Structures

Working group questions attached to the Presidential Decree - Working Group of River Engineering and Hydraulic Structures:

1- How was the infoware about the flood and its structure in the Ministry of Energy and how it turned into management action?

2- What was the performance of the agencies responsible for water resources and water structures management (such as dams, reservoirs, etc.) in the fall and winter 2018-2019, and what was the flood management status afterwards?

3- What is the quality and quantity of the response of water management agencies and water structures to weather forecasts and warnings?

4- What role did dams and other water structures associated with flood play in intensifying, managing and mitigating floods?

5- How much precipitation volume was and how much water structures (dams, etc.) could play a role in flood relief and how much flooding was inevitable?

6- How has the proper river engineering operation (dredging, buffer preservation, wall-building, etc.) affected or not performed by floods?

7- What are the legal and structural issues in river bed management (preventing, buffer conservation, sand mining, waste disposal, etc.)?

8- What is the impact of the river's engineering status on non-river projects in the country, which has affected the flood event and its damages?

9- How have institutional / organizational conflicts affected the management of rivers (municipalities, agriculture, environmental organizations, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining, the private sector ...)?

10- To what extent is the encroachment on riverbank and what mechanisms have been used and how has it affected floods and its damages?

11- How the interactions between levels (national and local level) and various organizations involved in water resources management and water structures (Ministry of Energy and associated companies, Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, Provincial Governments has affected flood management?

12- What are the lessons learnt from flood management for water resources and water structures in the country?

13- What improvements does the country's water resources and structures management need to improve flood resiliency?